Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Men Are Dogs": In His Own Words

Who hasn't heard the saying men are dogs? Seems like I hear it on a daily basis from my girls. But I never in my life thought that I would hear the very same thing from a man. I was talking to one of my boys and he broke it down, and I'm gonna warn you's definitely NOT what you want to hear. I will label him as DG to protect his identity, but this is how the convo went:

Me: Whats missing from your relationship that you feel like going outside of it? Your girl seems nice and I know she's sleeping with you. So what is it?
DG: All guys will never be satisfied. We can lovvvvveeee the shit out of who we are with, but you will always want to fuck other girls. Dont mean you dont love your girl
Me: Really? Well I bet you wouldn't be ok with it if she was doing it too.
DG: Now here is the difference and why its no good if a woman does it. Listen closely, women form emotional attachments. They dont fuck random guys, only guys they like. And if they do it differently then they are sluts. Now with that said, if she fucks another guy that means she liked that nigga. Totally different. See niggas, we are physical. We can fuck a girl and never even want to talk to her again in life.
Me: Whoa...this is making me feel really pessimistic about finding a good man. Every man can't be like this!
DG: If you want you a good faithful man, you bettter try ugly niggas or a nigga with low self esteem. You need to redefine your definition of a "good man". Because, quite frankly the man that isnt gonna want to stray every now and then does not exist. Sorry to break it to you. Bottom line is if woman just realize you just gotta find a nigga that respects you, takes care of his business, at least makes you feel as if you're the only woman worth living for. No matter what hes doing, just don't bring that shit home, or make it obvious, or fuck up a family, or let that shit come before his family.
Me: I don't think everyone is like that though. There has to still be some faithful men out there.
DG: I am a prime example: I have a beautiful girlfriend, shes good to me, we fit perfectly actually. But, i will be lying to you if i told you i dont think about fucking another bitch every day lol. Just comes with being a man.
Me: Well damn, Ima inform my readers. This will help open the eyes of a lot of naive women.
DG: It wont help lol girls never learn

I know that's a lot to take in and I can imagine your reaction..."my man ain't like that" or "he don't speak for every man". You're right, he may not speak for everybody, but the point is he speaks for SOMEBODY. That should be enough to scare the hell outta any woman! That men have learned to act pure as gold, while they do the unthinkable behind your back. What happened to good, faithful men like some of our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers? What happened to the men who valued women more than to lay in bed with another one? Are they now so jaded that they think its okay to participate in infidelity without any remorse or guilt? What threw me off the most was when he told me that I needed to change what I considered a good man...This is precisely why I'm single. The man that I am looking for may not exist, and even if he doesn't I refuse to settle for less...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Men Are From Mars & Women Are From Venus

Ladies and Gentlemen, this pic is soooo...self-explanatory and the major reason why relationships today are unsuccessful. Sex is the way to a man's heart and love is the way into a woman's pants. HOW ON EARTH COULD THIS POSSIBLY WORK? I know what you're probably saying, my boyfriend is not like that or if you're a guy you probably think that you are not like that. Here's an easy test to find out if that's true. Withhold sex for 6 months, just sharing affection and emotional support. I DOUBT any man could last. I was on the phone with a young man the other day, 25 years old and the topic of sex came up. He said to me, "I just let it happen." I countered with the fact that I wouldn't feel comfortable with it happening @ this point of my life unless I was in a monogomous committed relationship. So my ball park figure was 6 months. Do you know what this fool said? "I'm grown sweetheart, I don't have to wait for sex." WHAT??????? I blame those insecure sluts who lay up with a man when he ready instead of when they themselves are ready and got these fools spoiled. (Not to be confused with the strong women who use men for a nut and keep it moving **high five to yall ladies**) Like my girl Claudette from City High said "No I ain't a virgin but that don't mean I'm having sex with you" <---REALEST SHIT ANYONE EVER SAID. Where do men get off feeling as though they have some sort of entitlement to sex? I'll tell any man ANY DAY if ya can't stand the heat, get the hell out the kitchen. If you can't play by my rules...go find some loose woman who will submit to your every command...I don't play that. This is the reason why women sometimes feel used and hurt after sex, because instead of bringing the two rushes from page one to the end of the chapter. Plain and simple, no one wants to eat dinner AFTER they've already eaten dessert. Maybe they'll take it in a doggie bag if ya lucky...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Are Magazine's Brainwashing Women?

Seems like every magazine I pick up nowadays is about men. How to arouse him, wow him in bed, decode his behavior, what he notices first about you. WTF? Now don't get me wrong I love Cosmo and Glamour and they have some wonderful articles. But, how come men's magazine's don't focus their attention on those same things. How to understand women, how to PLEASE women in bed...(because a lot of y'all are clueless, or just don't care) or even how to go about winning over a woman. Society by way of television and magazines is brain washing women by making them think that the only important topics to read about are sex, and men. In its defense, this magazine also tells women how to get what they want out of sex and celebrates independent "fun, fearless females", but really is there such a need for women to please men that all of these magazines feel like they have to convey to us their ability to help us achieve it?

Etta James VS. Beyonce

I guess by now everyone has heard about the controversy surrounding Beyonce's performance at one of the many Inaugural balls. Etta James is pissed off that Beyonce performed her song at such a huge historical event. Etta feels like its a slap in the face, and said that, "Beyonce gonna get her ass whipped" for performing her song, "the same song I've been singing all my life". Now is she so wrong for being upset? She even took shots at our new President Barack Obama, "you know y'all president, the one with the big ears. he's not my president." I feel her for being mad. Someone else gets invited to the Inaugural festivities of the first black president, a HISTORICAL moment that will be remembered forever, and sings YOUR SONG. Now I can't sit here and take sides though. Beyonce had nothing to do with that. Be mad at the people who did the inviting. She had just done the movie Cadillac Records where she performed that song along with many other Etta James songs and was asked to sing it for the new president. Why wouldn't she do it?! She probably didn't even think twice about it. True, it would have been nice if she double checked with Etta if it would be OK with her, but shit B sings it better than Etta anyway. POINT BLANK! She need to take her old ass somewhere and stop hating on B. You are washed up, and can't sing how you used to...Taking shots at Barack Obama shows how senile she really is. How do you blame the man for such a trivial thing that only you cared about.

Time To Vent About....You guessed it, MEN!!!

I am soooooo fed up by men and their tactics. UGHHHH...why can't there be more men like my father around? Men who are handsome AND have a nice personality. Men who open doors, buy roses, and do not try to get you in the bed every chance they get. It really is annoying when you like someone and you KNOW that they are no good for you, but for some reason you pursue them because you want it to work out and want to be *happy*. Problem is for us women, its hard to forget the past. Its a good thing and a bad thing. Good because if you were a great man who did wonderful things before and started slacking, we don't forget and keep holding on until the man we fell in love with comes back (I know a lot of the ladies have been in that situation or can relate). Its also bad because sometimes we may have a good man in front of us and f**k it up because our last man did us wrong and we just can't get over it and trust again. But seems to me that all men start acting up at the same time. Let me explain...let's say you are single, living the life and meet a guy online or at a club/bar/lounge (anywhere really) and then next time you are out you meet another guy and so forth until you have accumulated like 4-5 men. You don't talk to all of them everyday, but they are around if you are bored or feeling lonely, options really. So then maybe out of those 4-5 men, 2 are actually being seriously considered as contenders for your heart. Then one of them acts up and you're like whatever dude, do you....because you have options right? you did it the right way, your heart is protected. You take that playa out the game and put in another starter. Problem is because you lost the other player, you feel like this is it. Then *BOOM* he starts acting up. And by acting up I mean messing up like...talking to other girls, [yeah I know I am a hypocrite, so what? bite me!] not calling like he is supposed to, or even worse...arguing with you ALREADY and he aint even your man yet!!! Say it with me ladies OH HELL NO...this is supposed to be the happy moments, that make you want to build a relationship with this fool. So then you feel like you ended up with two birds in a bush and none in your hand. You wanna delete all the numbers in your cell and start over. You feel all alone once again and kinda pissed at ALL men. Why? I don't know. Maybe writing this blog will set the light bulb off in my head. Feels like there is no way to understand men, or get them to understand you or how you want them to be. Its like I only speak Chinese and they speakin to me in Spanish. Neither one hears what the other one really means and it all goes down the drain. More time wasted on another man who is just like the rest. At this point, in the state of mind I am in right now...I will tell you how I portray men. Selfish people who consider their wants as needs and your needs as wants. He NEEDS sex, and you WANT an emotional connection. UGHH!!! They accuse us of creeping and say they can't trust us, when they are the ones rushing us off the phone because their other joint is beeping in. They want all the perks of having a girlfriend, minus the commitment or the work necessary to keep us happy....I am SOOOOOOOOOO fed up and it is right on time for Valentine's Day....Great. lol no sweat...I'm an attractive woman with a great personality and will focus my mind on more important school, my girls, and my family.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Put A Ring On It? No Thank You Sasha Fierce!

Marriage is like something you order off of an infomercial. It sounds soooo good and you just can't resist. Then you get it, and its nothing like they advertised. I blame society. We have this romanticized view of what married life is supposed to be. You are built up to expect to be spending the rest of your life with someone who will wake you up every morning to breakfast in bed and surprise you with flowers. A man who remembers birthdays, and anniversaries and always keeps you smiling. And women are somehow expected to juggle work, child care, housekeeping, and sex?! Not to mention that they are expected to stay in shape even after kids. Maybe I am being cynical but all that fairy tale ending garbage is being shitted on now. With the skyrocketing divorce rates and even higher infidelity cases some people have lost faith in marriage altogether. I don't blame them. Marriage in reality is hardly fun, it's work. A daily challenge to keep up the momentum. What if you pick the wrong person? And then the person you were "supposed" to marry walks into your life...could you handle the temptation? I remember when I was a kid, I used to think I'd be married at 25 and have children young so that I could be a cool mom and "understand". But now at the age of 21....4yrs from now still feels too early. I want to get my degree, pursue my career and be financially stable. Again, back to the picking the wrong person. Love as much as ppl hype it up to be, is not forever...and you could pick someone who you love and then end up resenting them b/c they are never home, or you are bringing in all the $money$ and they are just spending it recklessly. Worst of all, the fear of infidelity. Dating has really been the cause of the huge dent in the smooth exterior of marriages. Dating gives people good, and bad experiences causing them to carry around with them emotional baggage. So if you have been cheated on before, you will constantly be on the lookout for your significant other to slip up. I'm sorry but some women are can not expect marriage to change a cheating man. All this put a ring on it stuff is dumb...if he doesn't love you or want to marry you by now...he never ever will...

One Week Rule

Ladies...has this ever happened to you? You are out at a club, or bar, or party and meet a sexy thing and he is really into you. He talks you up and the end of the night he begs you for the 10-digits & says something like I will call you tomorrow. Then...*dun-dun-dun*...NEVER CALLS...EVER!! Or worse calls like two weeks later like "Hey, its me Devin* the dude with the blue shirt that had on the shades." Am I really expected to remember? I know I am not the only one that's had that happen. So I decided to instate a One Week Rule. Sorry fellas, you have only one week from the day that you take my number to use it. After that time period the privilege of using my number expires. Sounds kind of harsh from a male prospective, but really does it make sense to connect with someone and push for more, only to leave someone hanging? Like really, are woman supposed to stoop the level of men and call their own phone from yours when they put their number in? lol (btw I hate when men do that, I am taking your number because I don't want you to have my number!)

Super Bowl Sunday

I can't even pretend to be excited about Super Bowl Sunday. I honestly could care less. I have as much enthusiasm for the day as men do for Valentines Day (only 13 more shopping days btw). But, really...if you think about it, the Super Bowl is the orgasmic finish to a long season. So I can kinda relate to why people get excited for it. Sucks for people like myself who get bored to death by watching a game. For me the game only has two exciting moments, the half time show and the end. lol I went to Wal-mart today and it was filled with people in Jerseys or hats grabbing some last minute chips & dip, tvs, and probably beer. Now don't get me wrong, I am not into sports, but I will go to a Super Bowl party or a sports bar if invited. Ya know, to holla @ the cuties lol. Who probably won't hear a thing I am saying due to the hold sports have on men (and some women amazingly enough). It's like it puts everything and everyone else on mute. Even with the luxury of instant replay my dad still ignores the shit out of us if he is watching football. My finger could be severed and the house could be on fire and he still would nod and say "that's nice" when we call his name lol. But enough about the super bowl...