Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When Did Women Start Courting Men?

For as long as I have been living on God's green earth, it has been stressed to me by my parents that I am a woman deserving of the best treatment and respect. I expect a man to treat me accordingly and to behave as a gentleman. I am also familiar with the different roles each gender is expected to play. The man is expected to romance a woman, sweep her off of her feet, if you will, and express his interest to her until she gives in and reciprocates those same feelings of romance. But, what throws me off, is that some woman totally disregard those roles and take on the role of the man. They won't let a man pay for them, they cook for a man that hasn't even taken them out on a date yet, and spend money on them. I am tired of seeing women tricking on men. Like seriously, if chivalry is dead, y'all the ones that killed it. Why would a man feel the need to take you out and treat you how he is supposed to if you are giving him an easy way out? By not allowing a man to fulfill his role, you are keeping him from being a man. Only a weak and prideless man would allow a woman to pay for him wherever they go. But, women are at fault too, can't blame a man for taking advantage of your foolishness. #1 no no: Offering/agreeing to go see a man at his house for a first date is not the way to start a serious love affair. You are burning up your gas, and he is not contributing anything financially. Not to mention the fact that going over his house gives him a shorter and faster route to THE GOODs. Another thing that really urks me to see, is a woman that will pay for not only her own food/drink (which I refuse to do, make that man work!), but will also pay for the man?! *I just threw up in my mouth at the thought* That's no no # 2. How you start the arrangement off, sets the tone for how things will go from then on. If you were chillin' at his crib watching tv, and paying for y'all food...don't expect him to wake up one day and take you out to the Cheesecake Factory for a fancy dinner on his dime. Because it ain't happening! There is no reason for a woman to "court" a man. You should not be in the kitchen slaving for a man that you barely know, in exchange for his affection. We should be in control of the relationship. Let the man be a man and court you. Let him take you out, treat you to dinner, and show you a good time. We are worth a man that will put in work to have us all to himself. Stop spending up all your money on a man that isn't doing his part. You will just end up broke and alone.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is Sex Mandatory In A Modern Day Relationship?

This blog is a follow up to another blog I wrote called: Can You Have A Relationship Without Sex? I was just reading Glamour magazine, when I realized that even magazines are influencing the importance of sex in modern day relationships. As a woman there are few magazine options that I can relate to. I cannot relate to the fashion magazines, because I do not care about fashion that much to go through 100s of pages of nothing but clothes. Next there are housekeeping magazines, I am too young to care about how to decorate my house or how to make a quick meal for the kids after a long day at work. Then, there are Bride magazines, which might as well just be considered a fashion mag, because they are nothing but a wedding dress catalogue. So I gravitate towards magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan, because for the most part, they get me. They show helpful skincare tips, a little bit of up to date fashion, and even stories that range from funny to tear-jerking. Most of their tips are almost always on point too, I love how much they care about healthy eating and exercise. Overall they are great magazines, and that is why I have been purchasing them for so many years. But I had an epiphany today, these magazines are written to appeal to a reader that is sexually active. Let me tell you why I believe this. Here are a few article titles in this month's issue of Glamour (pictured above): "Katy Perry Shares Her Sex Confidence Tips", "101 Things No One Tells You About Guys: Their Sex Desires, Their Body Hang-ups And The Real Reason They Cheat", "52 Things He's Really Thinking About You. (Which include subcategories like: 7 Things He's Thinking When You Try A New Move In Bed, 7 Things He's Thinking When You're Naked, 4 Things He's Thinking When You Watch Porn With Him)" And this is actually the milder magazine, Cosmopolitan's February 2010 issue has sex all over its new cover! Here a few article titles from their new cover: "99 Sex Moves: Sweet and Slow, Quick and Dirty, and Everything In Between.", "The Hour Men Crave Sex Most", "Unleash Your Cheeks!: Why Guys Stopped Loving The Thong." The sad part is that there are probably several more sex stories in Cosmo, if that much sex is on the cover. So what are these magazines trying to say? The audience, in my opinion, for this magazine ranges from the ages of 18-35. Which is a wide range of ages, but why assume that ALL of these women are sexually active? Why put the pressure on young people to have sex? This is the Valentine's Day issue too. Are they saying that the only way to celebrate Valentine's Day with your significant other is in bed wearing racy lingerie and trying new sex moves on your man? If woman's magazine's are this biased about sex, I'd hate to pick up a men's magazine. Their covers are raunchy enough.

Magazines, media, friends, many influences in our lives tell us that sex is a mandatory or socially accepted part of relationships. But, sex is not mandatory. You are not weird for being a virgin, or celibate and wanting to wait until marriage. That is your personal choice, and that should not make a person feel like they are less of a good pick for respecting themselves or their religion that much, or simply not being ready. Do not let the pressures outside of your relationships affect your relationships.