Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Had Me At Hello....

After writing countless blogs about failed attempts at finding love, thought that I would dust off my blog and update you on the happenings of my life. I have met someone :). I did not go out looking for him, AT ALL. He walked straight up to me, in regards to a professional matter and I was immediately drawn to him. His swag, was unparalleled. Maybe it was his confidence, or his NY accent that made him stand out to me. Also, the fact that he did not come up to me trying to "holla" peaked my interest and immediately made me want him...BAD. So, I gently rejected his offer, and informed him that my interest is in him. He knew exactly what I meant. So we exchanged numbers and stayed in contact. Our first date was a flop lol, but despite that we went out again. I have no idea why I gave him another chance, but I was not disappointed. He was a perfect gentleman the second time around and swept me off of my feet. I was on cloud 9, and telling him that he was my boo. He told me that there is a certain standard that he expected from a boo. I was not happy with the standards in question, and also my pride wouldn't let me give in to someone else's demands....no matter how much I was starting to like them. By the end of that convo, we both got the point that it was over between us. Right when things were going good too :-/ Sad, right? I know...but, it isn't over lol. I ran into his friend when I went out bc he did security at a bunch of the clubs, and I asked about him. He went back and told him that I was asking about him...so he sent me a text. At first I was embaressed that his friend snitched on me, but it was a good thing. We started communicating again, with a text here and there. The second time I saw his friend, the convo we had convinced me that I still liked ol' boy and had to have him back, even if it meant giving in. I called him and saw him that very same night. Those butterflies were still in my stomach and his smile assured me that he felt the same. I don't know why we keep coming back to each other if it isn't for a higher purpose. Seeing him again, made me realize that we could pick up from where we left off and that I was making the right decision. Now, a few weeks later he and I are getting closer by the day. He is quickly becoming one of my best friends, and teaching me so much about how a relationship is supposed to be. About the importance of having a strong foundation and realistic expectations. He has taught me about compromise, understanding, patience, and respect. And I am still learning more and more each day. Ironically, it is I that wants to take it slow. Funny, right? After being so desperate for love and companionship, I am now the party with the cold feet. But, in my heart I know that he is the one for me. I just need time for my brain to catch up with my heart. It'll be soon, I am sure of it. :) <3