Monday, October 3, 2011

Cuff & Book Me

I love me some hip hop/rap...but, my true love is r&b. I especially, love neo-soul music. I was listening to my iPod, as I drove into work today and India Arie's "Ready For Love" came on. I love India, I feel like most of her songs have a wonderful message; but this one in particular stuck with me. The opening verse says, "I am ready for love, why are you hiding from me? I'd quickly give my freedom, to be held in your captivity." Wow! Take a moment to absorb what this woman is saying. She is using a metaphor to describe the loss of freedom, that is entering a committed relationship. That is soooooo deep! I am a romantic at heart, and am fascinated by the idea of love. But, the thought of a committed relationship terrifies me. To give up access to every other option; and to be content with the one you chose. That is a scary decision, and not one to be takenly lightly. However, as scary as it is something that all of us want. To finally meet someone worth giving up the life of complete autonomy? THAT is beautiful! I've gotten to the point in my life, where I have achieved the realization that is...long lasting relationships cannot be formed without a concrete friendship as their foundation. So, I find myself preferring the friend route to the whirlwind romances. If things progress, wonderful! If not, you have a good friend of the opposite sex that you can learn many things from. Because with those whirlwind romances, it is all chemical. You have lust playing a factor in your decisions, and also infatuation. You really don't even know this person that you are fabricating these seemingly strong feelings for. To rush into a committment with a stranger is completely foolish and how so many people end up realizing too late, that what they had wasn't real. I feel as though, when it's right...I will feel it. I will slowly get to know them, study them, and then make my decision. I won't feel like I'm standing on a cliff with them, unsure of whether to jump or not. I will feel like India, I'll be sure that I want to take it to the next level with them. I will happily extend both arms and say, lock me up! I gladly give up my freedom, because I will know in my heart...that you won't mistreat me. That's love.

Here's the link for the video:

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